Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dog Paws and Cat Claws

Victoria, bless her 20 year old heart, lives at home. I don't mind that at all (except when she uses up all the hot water and steals my toilet paper) but she works strange hours and stays at friends' places a lot - so we get stuck taking care of her pets. Duke (elderly lab) needs special food and pills once a day. Fritz (orange cat that isn't allowed to live here but somehow has found his way into our home and hearts) is always getting chased by the dogs. Yesterday, while sitting on the patio sipping iced tea with a couple of my friends, all hell breaks lose on the Funny Farm. Dogs are barking, children are screaming, cat is yowling and being tossed in the air by 3 crazed dogs. Fritz manages to escape up the old Maple tree - after I ran out like a screaming banshee and loosed him from the jaws of death. He spent the next 8 hours up the tree, until his Mommy came home and got out a ladder. The dog paws belong to me. My feet are horrible!! I scrubbed and buffed and even went to bed with lotion soaked feet and socks. I really need a pedicure before my trip to Nashville on Thursday. I might even pay "5 dollah mo" and get a flower.

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