Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer Fun

I'm not very good at this blog thing. I have so much rattling around in my head - but I'm not sure how to get it down "on paper". Or even how much I should write. So, the title is Summer Fun - today is HOT - even I have been in the pool - and if you know me - you know it must be hot. The house must be 90 degrees inside. I went down to the basement to cool off and ended up cleaning the bathroom (which was disgusting), rearranging some furniture and vacumming! So much for cooling off. Bruce and James are off on the boat - Bob - and having a wonderful time. I am enjoying some fairly lazy days at home. So much has happened in my little world lately. The unexpected death of a 4H mom I know. Left behind a husband and 5 kids. A local family I know just lost their 23 year old son when he drowned in the river. It's a lot to figure out. So, in the midst of my summer fun, my heart goes out to these families whose lives have been changed forever.

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