Friday, December 18, 2009

From a kid's point of view...

Last Sunday morning Anastasia walked into the kitchen and saw James. She made a face and said "There's James - he's the mean one." I reminded her gently that we are only supposed to say positive things about people. To that she replied, "Well, I'm positive - he's the mean one!"

Later that day she was telling me about her mini golf outing with some family friends. I asked her if she got a "hole in one". She looked at me and said, "I got a hole in ALL of them!"

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo! I finally got here ~ and read every single post, I might add. Is that loyalty, or what? I can totally hear your voice as I read. Good stuff. And the picture of Victoria in your wedding dress cracks me up. I just put a couple of pics from the wedding reception on my blog ~ including a photo of you, Tori, and me. For some reason, you and I both look like middle-aged women in the shot. How did that happen?!
